Jadranka Pevec, MD
Jadranka Pevec, MD is licensed medical doctor, integrative psychoterapist and Jacobson's progressive muscular relaxation therapist. Her long experience of working in different business positions, including leadership position in a large multi-national company, and familiarity with corporate culture form a base for a business consulting process. She is a member of the European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy (EAIP European Association for Integrative Psychotherapy), Slovenian Association of Integrative psychotherapist (IPSA - Institute for Integrative Psychotherapy and Counseling) and Croatian Association for Integrative Psychotherapy.
She has accredited EMDR psychotherapy technique (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and is licensed integrative psychotherapist (http://www.euroaip.eu/ecip-holders/char/P/).