Roger M. Solomon, Ph.D.

Dr. Roger Solomon is a psychologist and psychotherapist specializing in the areas of trauma and grief. He is on the Senior Faculty of the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Institute and provides basic and advanced EMDR training internationally. He currently consults with the US Senate, NASA, and several law enforcement agencies.


Roger M. Solomon, Ph.D.
4001 9th Street North, #404
Arlington VA 22203



Birth date:   October 13, 1951



  • Auburn University; Auburn, Alabama
    Date:         October, 1974 - March, 1979
    Degree:      Doctor of Philosophy
    Curriculum: Clinical Psychology (A.P.A. approved)
  • University of Chicago
    Date:         October, 1972 - August, 1974
    Degree:      Master of Arts
    Curriculum: Social Service Administration
  • University of California at Berkeley
    Date:         October, 1970 - June, 1972
    Degree:      Bachelor of Arts
    Curriculum: Psychology



Phi Beta Kappa



1981        Clinical Psychologist, California  (currently inactive)      Number PJ6876

1994        Clinical Psychologist, Massachusetts Number 6766

1998        Clinical Psychologist, New York      Number 13577



7/1/94 - present       Critical Incident Recovery Resources, Inc.

Position:              Director

Provide psychological services, consultation, training programs, and peer support workshops. Professional activities include:

  1. Senior Faculty, EMDR Institute 
    Teach Weekend 1 and 2 training in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing nationally and  internationally.  I also provide advance workshops on the “Art of EMDR”, complex trauma(Structural Dissocia- tion) and EMDR therapy, grief and mourning, crisis  intervention, and building resilience. I am also an  EMDRIA certified therapist, consultant and trainer, and  an EMDR Europe certified trainer. I have taught EMDR  workshops across the United States, in Australia,  Belgium, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Iceland  India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kenya, Kuwait, The  Netherlands, Northern Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Scotland,  Turkey, and The Ukraine.               
  2. United States Senate 
    Consultant to the Employee Assistance Program of the  Senate, providing assessment and referral services (including EMDR) three to five days a month, training  and consultation to the Senate community.
  3. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) 
    Since January 2002 I have provided training in critical Incident stress management and provided psychological Services following the loss of the space shuttle  Columbia and Hurricane Katrina.              
  4. South Carolina Department of Public Safety 
    I have consulted with the S.C. Department of   Public Safety to provide workshops for law enforcement   Personnel involved in critical incident,  Critical Incident Seminar I provide workshops for law  enforcement officers involved in critical incidents,  such as the Post Critical Incident Seminar (PCIS), as well as workshops for the survivors of State Troopers  killed in the line of duty, and survivors of people  killed on the South Carolina highways (as part of the  support group Families of Highway Fatalities).     
  5. United States Federal Bureau of Investigation    
    I have consulted with the FBI since 1982, providing training to the FBI's Advanced Peer Support Team, EAP,  the National Academy, and the Hostage Rescue Team;   direct services to agents after critical incidents and  participated in the FBI’s Post Critical Incident       Seminar.
  6. Department of Justice, US Attorneys Office
    Provided services to personnel after the WTC  attack and the Oklahoma City bombing, and provided training to the critical incident team.
  7. US State Department, Diplomatic Security
    Provided consultation and training to the trauma Program, and provided consultation after the WTC attack. 
  8. Department of Labor
    Provided consultation and training to the trauma Program, and services to several DOL agencies after the 9/11 WTC attacks.
  9. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
    Provided critical incident peer support training and services following critical incidents. 
  10. International Critical Incident Stress Foundation
     am on the “Train the trainer” faculty of ICISF and am Certified to teach the Basic Critical Incident Stress  Management Course.   
  11. Railroad Consultation
    I have consulted with Via Rail Canada since  4/95 to train critical incident peer support teams and provide services following critical incidents. I provide similar training to Alaska Railroad. From 1989 to 1993, I consulted with Union Pacific  Railroad's critical incident peer support program providing training and services to over 1000 railroad personnel involved in traumatic incidents. 
  12. Trauma consultation, law enforcement and emergency services
    I have consulted with numerous municipal, county,       state, and federal agencies on critical incident    programs, and have provided psychological services  after traumatic incidents (including the Sept 11 attacks Oklahoma City bombing, loss of the Shuttle Columbia,  Hurricane Katrina).       
  13. Buffalo Center for Trauma and Loss  
    Co-director of a center specializing in the treatment of acute trauma, complex trauma, and grief and bereavement issues.


7/1/88 - 5/31/94       Washington State Patrol

Position:               Department Psychologist


5/1/79 - 6/15/88     Colorado Springs Police Department

Position:              Police Psychologist (full time contract)                        


12\1\78 - 4/30/79     Arizona Department of Public Safety

Position:              Police Psychology Post-Doctoral Intern


9/16/77 - 9/16/78       Chicago-Read Mental Health Center

Position:               Psychology Intern (A.P.A. approved)


9/1/76 - 9/1/77         Auburn Police Department (Auburn, Alabama)

Position:              Police Psychologist (15-25 hours/week)



  • Solomon, R. M. and Shapiro, F. (in press). APA Handbook of Trauma Psychology: Vol. 2. Trauma Practice, S. N. Gold Copyright ©  2017 by the American Psychological Association.
  • Solomon, R. and Rando, (2015).  (2015): Utilizzo dell'EMDR nel  trattamento del dolore del lutto. In: ONOFRI A & LA ROSA  C., Il lutto. Psicoterapia cognitivo evoluzionista e EMDR,  Giovanni Fioriti Editore, Roma.
  • Solomon, R. M., & Rando, T. A. 2015). EMDR therapy and grief and  mourning. In M. Luber (Ed.), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy Scripted Protocols and Summary Sheets: Treating Trauma- and Stressor-Related Conditions  (pp. 230-252). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Co
  • Van der Hart, O., Groenendijk, M., Gonzalez, A., Mosquera, D., & Solomon, R. (2014). Dissociation of the Personality and EMDR Therapy in Complex Trauma-Related Disorders:  Applications in Phase 2 and 3 Treatment.  Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 8, 33-38
  • Solomon, R. & Shapiro, F. (2013). EMDR and adaptive information processing: The development of resilience and coherence. In K.Gow & M. Celinski (Eds.), Trauma: Recovering from Deep Wounds and Exploring the Potential for Renewal. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Van der Hart, O., Groenendijk, M., Gonzalez, A., Mosquera, D., & Solomon, R. (2013). Dissociation of the personality and EMDR therapy in complex trauma-related disorders: Applications in phase 1 treatment. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 7, 81-94.
  • Solomon, R, and Rando, T. (2012) Treatment of grief and mourning through EMDR:  Conceptual considerations and clinical    guidelines. European Review of Applied Psychology, 231-239.
  • Solomon, R. and Fernandez, I. Utilization of EMDR in the Treatment of workplace trauma (2012). In Hughes, R; Kindler,  A.;and Cooper, G.L., International Handbook of Workplace  Trauma Support.
  • Van der Hart. Ol, Wang, X.L., and Solomon, R. (2012) Trauma Related dissociation in the workplace.  In Hughes, R;  Kindler, A.;and Cooper, G.L., International Handbook of  Workplace Trauma Support.
  • Solomon, R. & Shapiro, F. (2012). EMDR and adaptive information processing: The development of resilience and  coherence. In K.Gow & M. Celinski (Eds.), Trauma: Recovering  from Deep Wounds and Exploring the Potential for Renewal.   New York: Nova Science Publishers.
  • Arabia E, Manca ML, Solomon RM. EMDR for survivors of life-threatening cardiac events: results of a pilot study. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research 2011;5(1):2-13.
  • Van der Hart, O., Nijenhuis, E.R.S., & Solomon, R. (2010), Dissociation of the personality in complex trauma-related disorders and EMDR: Theoretical considerations. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research,4,  76-92
  • Shapiro, F. & Solomon, R.M. (2010).  EMDR. In I. Weiner and   W.E.Craighead(Eds.).  The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology (4th edition). Vol. 2 (pp.629-632). Hoboken, NJ:  Wiley.
  • Solomon, Eldra P., Solomon, Roger M. and Heide, Kathleen  M.(2009)'EMDR: An Evidence-Based Treatment for Victims of Trauma,Victims & Offenders,4:4,391—397.
  • Solomon, R.and Shapiro, F. (2008) EMDR and the adaptive information processing model: Potential mechanisms of change. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 4, 315-325.
  • Solomon, R. Gruler, A., Shurgart, S., and Skidmore, E. (2008) Post  Deployment Seminar.  Life Net, a piublication of the  International Critical Incident Stress Foundation  (Spring/Summer).
  • Solomon, R. and Rando, T. (2007)  Utilization of EMDR with grief and mourning.  Journal of EMDR Practice and  Research, 2, 109-117
  • Solomon, R. (2008) Critical Incident Interventions. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 2 160-165.
  • Solomon, R, and Macy, R. (2003) La gestione dello stress da Eventi Critici. In Gainnantonio, A. (ed.)Psicotraumatologia E Psicologia Dell’Emergenza. Salerno, Italy:  Ecomind Srl
  • Solomon, R. and Kaufman, T. (2002) A peer support workshop for      the treatment of traumatic stress of railroad personnel.  Contributions of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).  In Journal of Brief Therapy, 2 (1),  pp 27-34.
  • Solomon, R. (2002).  Treatment of violated assumptive worlds with EMDR.  In Kaufman, J. (ed)  Loss of the assumptive world.    New York:  Brunner-Routledge, pp.117-126.
  • Solomon, R. & Dyregrov, A. (2000). Eye Movement Desensitization  and Reprocessing (EMDR). Rebuilding assumptive worlds. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 37, pp. 1024-1030.
  • Dyregrov, A. and R. Solomon, R. (2000).  Mental mobilization processes in critical incident stress situations. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 2 (2),pp.  73-82.
  • Solomon, R.M. and Mastin, P. (1999).  The emotional aftermath of the Waco Raid: Five years revisited. In Police Trauma, Charles Thomas, Springfield IL., pp. 113-123.
  • McNally, V.J. and Solomon, R.M. (1999), The FBI’s critical incident stress management program.  FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, February, pp. 20-26.
  • Solomon, R.M., (1998), Utilization of EMDR in crisis intervention  Crisis Intervention, Vol. 4, pp. 239-246.
  • Solomon, R.M. (1997).  I know I must have shot, but I can'='t remember: Memory impairment after critical incidents. The Police Marksman, Vol XXII, pp. 48-51.
  • Solomon, R.M. and Shapiro, F. (1997). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing:  An effective therapeutic tool for trauma and grief.  In C. Figley, Bride, B. and Nicholas, M. (Eds.) Death and Trauma. Washington D.C., Taylor and Francis. pp. 231-247.
  • Solomon, R.M. (1996) Memory Impairment in the Wake of Critical Incidents. Part I. International Journal of Use of Force, Millstadt, IL., May, 2-6.
  • Solomon, R.M. (1996) Memory Impairment in the Wake of   Critical Incidents, Part II. International Journal of Use of      Force, Millstadt, IL., September, 10-13.
  • Solomon, R.M. (1996).  The emotional aftermath of the Waco raid:  What went right?  In Reese, J. and Solomon,  R. (Eds.), Organizational Issues in Law Enforcement, Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
  • Reese, J. and Solomon, R.M. (1996) (Eds.). Organizational Issues in Law Enforcement, Washington DC: U.S.Government Printing Office.
  • Solomon, R.M. (1995). Critical incident stress debriefing in law enforcement.  In G. Everly and J. Mitchell (Eds.)  Critical Incident stress Management. Chevron Publishing: Ellicott City, M.D.
  • Shapiro, F. and Solomon, R.M. (1995). Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing:  Neurocognitive   information processing.  In G. Everly and J. Mitchell           (Eds.) Critical Incident stress Management. Chevron               Publishing: Ellicott City, M.D.
  • Solomon, R.M. (1992).  Developing Professional Guidelines,    Police Chief, May, pp.53-55.
  • Solomon, R.M. (1991).  The dynamics of fear in critical incidents: Implications for training and treatment, in     J.T. Reese, J.M. Horn, and C. Dunning (Eds.) Critical     Incidents In Policing, Revised, pp. 327-358. Washington DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.        
  • Dyregrov, A. and Solomon, R.M. (1991).  Mental Health   Professionals in Disasters: An Exploratory Study.        Disaster Management, 3, 3, pp. 123-128.
  • Solomon, R.M. (1990).  Administrative Guidelines for Dealing     with Officers Involved in On-Duty Shooting Situations.     Police Chief, February, p.40.
  • Solomon, R.M. (1989).  Dynamics of fear in critical incidents, Training Key, #399, International Association of Chiefs of Police.
  • Solomon, R.M. (1988).  Post-shooting trauma, Police Chief, October, pp. 40-44.
  • Solomon, R.M. (1988). Mental conditioning:  The utilization of fear, in Reese, J.T. and Horn, J.M. (Eds.), Police Psychology: Operational Assistance. United States Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, pp.391-408.
  • Horn, J.M. and Solomon, R.M. (1988). Peer support:  A key element for coping with trauma, Police Stress, Spring, pp. 25-27.
  • Solomon, R.M., with Horn J.M. (1986).  Post-shooting traumatic reactions:  A pilot study., in Psychological Services In Law Enforcement, Reese, J. and Goldstein, H. (editors), United States Government Printing Office, pp.383-393.
  • Solomon, R.M. with Brown, S., Burkhart, B., and King, G., (1977).  Role Expectations for mental health professionals in law enforcement agencies. American Journal of Community Psychology, 5 pp. 2-8.

